Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Faith and Patience

All right; let's clear the air first. To whoever has been praying for us to have more patience: KNOCK IT OFF! We keep getting things to practice on.

We talked with the homeowner last night (Monday), and her lawyer friend who is doing the settlement for the home sale had been on vacation, and would be out of town Monday and Tuesday working on another case.

She (the lawyer) is supposed to talk to our mortgage company on Thursday. Let's hope the rates either remain unchanged or drop further, or we can't cover the closing costs any more. Somehow, though, with everything else, I think we're already taken care of. God has been three steps ahead of everything so far, so no worries. The homeowner never did say we "got the house" in so many words, but it does look promising. It is just taking longer than us excited people would like. Z and I are both planners; this is driving us nuts!


Then. We got another call from the homeowner this afternoon at lunch time. She was getting our information for the contract (!!), and finding out what the closing window was for our mortgage company (ours is 30 to 45 days). The reason being, she is, and I quote, "slurping out the septic tank for [us] so it's like new". There is always an inspection within 30 days after a cleaning to make sure that the septic tank isn't leaking into the yard, and the homeowner didn't want to "sign a contract with [us] next week, have the septic guys clean it, have it inspected, and then have the closing drag on longer than the closing window so [she]'d have to pay for another inspection"; she only wants to do it once.

!! I've been doing a happy dance every so often for the last two hours.

Guess this means I've got to start packing...we're probably moving by November. :)

Here is the house. You can see the mountains in the background.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woohoo!! i'm doing a happy dance too...and will keep praying. private mills reporting for packing, house cleaning, moving duty, or whatever...if needed. just let me know.