Saturday, September 8, 2007

Waiting on Monday

OK. So Z was awakened by our mortgage broker yesterday afternoon. Apparently the Fed lowered interest rates yesterday afternoon, so they can offer us $5,000 more in a mortgage, but our payments will stay the same. (They'll increase by 2 bucks a month; doable!).

We contacted the lady who owns the house last night. She is talking with her lawyer friend, but seems like she's very agreeable to our most recent offer, where we pay the closing costs out of the mortgage loan. She will still get the original amount she was OK with on Wednesday. And her whole demeanor was changed in a positive way, and she said something very interesting just before we got off the phone...."God knows the desires of your heart, and the Lord moves in mysterious ways sometimes."


We'll know for sure on Monday evening, her lawyer is on vacation ending on Sunday....

Really, now, how often does a bank call you and tell you they want less money? (Which if we hadn't altered our amount by 5K, with the lower interest rate they would have received almost 10,000 less).

The urge to start jumping up and down for joy is becoming more and more difficult to tamp down...but still ~ we wait for Monday.


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