Thursday, January 24, 2008

Life at the (Big) Top

A new year, an updated circus.

1) Our little Miss K has picked up enough tidbits from our attempts to potty train her big brother, and has taken the matter into her own hands. She approached us New Year's Eve and said "Potty?" several times, getting more and more insistent. Z and I figured, okay, we'll give this a shot ~ and lo and behold, if the little booger didn't go pee in the potty when we parked her on it. We've had decent consistency ever since, including at church and at A's therapy sessions. No pushing it, just when she comes to us and asks then we'll go. She just turned 22 months on the 22nd of Jan., so I consider this God's blessing to us after the sturm und drang with her older brother.

2) We finally got our second snow of the season ~ nice fluffy stuff, for the day and a half it lasted. Here's some bushes in my flowerbed, for those who are snow-less:

3) A is restarting his ABA therapy this week, after a (very) long break due to his provider's medical needs; last week we were out due to the snow. Here's hoping it goes well, for both A and Miss Jennie. He's been having some issues with school being out for the holiday break, then back in, then out due to snow, then he was out because he was sick, then we had more days off due to parent teacher conferences...then he was back today...
Let's just say he's not enjoying the fluctuation in his normal routine, and we're consequently also not enjoying the fluctuation in his normal routine. It's a lot louder, with tears sometimes (to be fair, on both his part and his parents').

4) K, in true girly fashion, tries to dress up in everything ~ even her old, too small clothing that was put in a box to ship to younger cousins. If this is Erykah Badu:

Is this Erykah Ba-don't? (Even if she is cute?):

Yeah, I know. "Thanks, Mom. You just don't understand."

5) We have a house! Finally! Not the one we were in contract on throughout the fall and end of December, but a different one, and this one is actually going to go through. This house is even closer to our church, is in a very nice small community, and is only 10 minutes from pretty much any amenities we could want. And we're a minute from our friend Melody's house, which is in itself a cool advantage to the new digs. We also got this house for much less (much much less) than our previous possibility (which gives us some breathing room), and have a better fixed interest rate to boot than the previous agreement. God is certainly good. We have been wading through contract stuff for the last two weeks, but everything was official on Tuesday, we are moving at the beginning of March. Happy Anniversary, we just bought a house. That'll be hard to top in later years. ; )

This house is definitely not "only 5 years old" like the previous one (this was built in 1960) but it has plenty of room and a great yard. I can't wait until I can paint the walls in some color! I am so tired of white everything ~ I grew up that way, and aside from living in an old house with some scary vintage wallpaper for a couple of post-collegiate years, my walls have been conspicuously bare. I think I'm going to enjoy this new way to stretch my artistic mettle.

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