Sunday, June 22, 2008

Count Your Blessings, Name Them One By One

Today was a very interesting day.

First, A peed in the toilet at church during class!

I'll say that again, my 4 and a half year old son who still wears training pants actually urinated in the appropriate receptacle.

And there was great rejoicing in the land.

I realize this would ordinarily be a little bit of a strange thing to be bragging about, but after all we've been through with A this is most definitely progress. We are moving into complete sentence territory now, too ~ he routinely says, "I want [whatever it is] please." Even to his Sunday School teachers, so it's something he's comfortable with.

Of course, then he went and peed on the carpet in the classroom a little while later.

You win some, you lose some.

We had a rather lovely day today after all that, too. Our church had a baptism service down at the river, followed by a church picnic back up at our building. We haven't had a churchwide picnic in ages, so it was really nice to eat and visit outside in the gorgeous weather. Z had to work again it was just me and the kiddos. Our friend Melody helped tremendously with her expert kid wrangling and plate balancing skills, otherwise things might have been just a bit more stressful than they were. Thanks Melody, I owe you one. Or is it seven thousand by now? : ) And their honorary Aunt Ruth and Uncle Mac kept them safely at the church and away from the river so I could actually enjoy the service. They are such a blessing to our family.

We have a lot of blessings, actually. I get so caught up in the busyness of everything that I fail to remember just how much there is to be thankful for. So here's a friendly reminder for you, too: have you thought about what you're thankful for lately?

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