Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hello, Fall!

Here's one of the trees in our backyard. Yes, that's our garage/barn in the background ~ metal roof and all. We's country now, didn't you know?

After enjoying the last few days of our Indian Summer and upper 70's and low 80's, our weather is supposed to drop off starting this evening following some rain. We're supposed to be right at the freezing mark overnight, with highs in the upper 50's and possibly 61 one day in the next week. I figured I'd better get a couple of shots before the rain made all the leaves fall!

It's too bad you can't see these trees in person. My wimpy camera (it's one of the first digital cameras made) just can't capture the vibrancy of the colors out there, in every red, orange, yellow, and brown hue and shade possible ~ plus it's overcast today, in preparation for the coming showers. I must admit a personal fondness of the oranges and reds, as evidenced by the shots I took!

As I type this, I am looking out the back window at the lazy downward drifting of hundreds of leaves along the treeline. It looks like a moving rainbow, like some sort of surreal ballet set to strains of music that one can almost, but not quite, hear. Every time a gentle breeze comes up, still more leaves succumb to gravity, and it is literally a shower of leaves ~ almost as a portent of the imminent rain.

Every morning in the fall, fog covers part or all of the mountains that lie across the street (and about 3 miles away). I thought it looked especially interesting this morning against the now leafless branches of my neighbor's tree stretching to meet the gray sky. It looks like fall! Views like this promise future days of crisp nights, apple cider, sweaters (finally!), and snuggling in front of the fireplace.

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