Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Did It!

Look! A post made this week! This resolution stuff is easy-peasy.

I should probably wait and reflect on this, say, in a couple of months and see if I'm still on target, but Hey! I'm revelling in my triumph at the moment.

My daughter is apparently one tough cookie; she started getting a runny nose on Saturday, was pretty miserable on Sunday, but woke up seemingly fine (read: bouncy and loud) Monday morning. At around 5 p.m. Monday evening, K sounded like she was breathing through mud, and I slept in the recliner with her all night so she could breathe without coughing up her spleen. I think I read somewhere that we need that organ for something. (Note: K actually slept; I dozed fitfully. K is extremely active in her sleep and I was elbowed, headbutted, and kicked all night long while I tried to keep her from pitching over the arm of the chair.) She wasn't running a fever, but she did mention that her right ear hurt.

Took her to the doc on Tues a.m. and she has a double ear infection: really bad nastiness on the right ear, and more moderate on the left. Her doc couldn't believe she wasn't running a fever with an infection like that, let alone not screaming her head off. K also sat quietly and watched the nurse give her a finger-stick, her only comment was after the nurse left when she said, "Mommy, my finger is sore now."

What a trooper! Childbirth and paying taxes should be easy for this one....

1 comment:

Alex and Melody Our Story said...

Hope Keira is feeling better. I watched the third project runway episode today, it's pretty good so far, can't wait to catch up with you sometime soon, maybe this Thursday?