Saturday, March 6, 2010


The weather has all of a sudden turned fabulous, we should have highs in the 50's here tomorrow. On a sunny morning a few days ago I was walking our two dogs and reveling in the way the day felt. It was still cool, but the smell of the damp earth, combined with the angle of the sun and seeing the buds start to form on the trees, hinted and promised spring's doorstep.

I also have tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils just starting to poke their sleepy heads up above the surface in my front beds. That's a relief! I wasn't sure what my tenants left and didn't leave. So I'm at least guaranteed some spring flowers this year. If I can get some seeds I was given last fall to germinate, I'll have some nice beds this year (cross your fingers).

I was also laughed at when I was running errands today; I know it's only the 6th of March, but I picked up a handful of vegetable and herb seed packets. Some things, like tomatos and peppers, need to be started here in the next couple of weeks to be ready to set out in May. I scored several heirloom varieties of tomatos, carrots, and beans, so I'm excited to grow them this year! Not only can I save the seeds and not have to buy more next year, but this is also some of the same things my grandparents grew up with. There is a neat historical context to the whole thing.

We'll see how it all goes; I spent less than $13 on 22 seed packets. At least I know we'll be eating well come June/July timeframe...we just have to make it until then! (I'll be setting out spinach and lettuce in rigged cloches to get a jump start, since they're cool-growers anyway).

Promises of springtime, and promises of a bountiful harvest beckon.

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