Thursday, February 7, 2008

Keep Your Fingers Crossed

A is doing very well with his Occupational Therapy, and equally well with his ABA.

Thus it is extremely frustrating that our insurance company has randomly decided they won't cover these things any more unless we get another referral from him primary care provider.

It would have been nice if our insurance company had let us know this before the approved visits ran out (really, is it so hard to send out a letter, or e-mail, or even a phone call?), but when his OT tried to re-extend the time, she was told it would not be approved. On Monday, before our next visit on Tuesday. Normally we have this updated referral stuff done yearly, and he's had doctor's visits since then, so we're not entirely sure what the deal is, but we're going with the flow. (Not that we really have a choice not to). So ~ we have the first available slot (which isn't until Tues the 19th) to start the process over again.

I'm praying hard that it won't take our insurance company 30 to 60 days from the date of referral to update their systems, like they did initially. Since he is a current client of both places, it really shouldn't take more than a click of a mouse to say, "yes". We're praying it's just that easy, because we know it seldom is. Arrrrgghh.

Fingers, toes, eyes, and anything else that will cross are duly crossed.

1 comment:

Alex and Melody Our Story said...

I will be praying it all works out and I loved Keira helping feed the fish very cute. I finally put up a blog if you want to check it out. Have a good week!