Thursday, April 3, 2008

Awareness and a Useful Website

For those who may not know, CNN has been showing evening programming about autism all week; Larry King Live had a panel of people from both sides of the vaccine issue last night. You can also go to to get access to all sorts of articles. It has been interesting watching how other people have adapted to their own childrens' unique needs, and hearing the subtle (mostly positive!) changes in how the medical establishment and the CDC are approaching the disorder.

Here is a website given to me by A's OT, full of various toys and gadgets she uses in her office, but available to the public:

Pocket Full of Therapy

Ha Ha!! I got the link to work this time!! (And there was great rejoicing in the land). I have also posted it in the "autism linkage" section on the right.

We also had a rather astonishing thing happen this morning: A walked up to me and said, "start poop?". I immediately grabbed the back of his pull-ups and checked, and sure enough he'd just started. I whisked him to the bathroom, where he deposited said substance into the potty.


YES!!! Let's pray it continues, as he's shown zero interest for the last...ah...four and a half years of his life.

Hey, it's progress. Self-awareness and continued public awareness. A banner week for autism, both on a personal and general level.

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