Friday, April 4, 2008


We try to encourage eco-friendly practices in this house, including but not limited to simple things like turning the lights off when you leave a room, recycling, and composting kitchen scraps/q-tips with cardboard sticks/shredded empty toilet paper rolls/etc for my upcoming organic garden project. The garden won't actually be started in earnest until next year, this year is just prep work and gathering supplies. Plus, that means my compost will be ready to use by this time next year. Since I do not have an active garden anywhere on my property, I don't have a lot of 'brown' material (woody stems, leftover garden plants) to add to the compost pile yet, thus the shredded cardboard and used paper towels in the compost mix to keep the 'greens' (fresh kitchen scraps, lawn clippings) from turning into sludge instead of nice humus.

K just seems to instinctively "get" some of this. For example, she somehow knew that baking soda isn't just for cooking, but it's also a terrific "green" cleaner for surfaces and fabric. Note the extra deep deposit on the (already clean) underwear:

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